Join the 1941 Club

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Circle and Star Icon

Give Monthly

Join the 1941 Club with a monthly donation.

The 1941 Club is a monthly giving program for donors who are committed to stewarding this American WWII aviation battlefield and sharing the legacy of our Greatest Generation.

The memory of the attack on Pearl Harbor and the battles that followed live on because of the sustaining support of our 1941 Club donors. Your monthly gift will be auto-renewed until you decide to cancel. Doing good has never been easier.

1941 Club Donor Levels

Star Platinum - 1941 Club

$1,000+ Monthly

Star Gold - 1941 Club

$500+ Monthly

Star Silver - 1941 Club

$150+ Monthly

Star Copper - 1941 Club

$50+ Monthly

Star Bronze - 1941 Club

$19.41+ Monthly

all new 1941 club donors will receive an exclusive 1941 club collection pin.


Reasons to give monthly

1. To Remember Pearl Harbor

When you join the 1941 Club with a monthly gift, you are supporting this American WWII battlefield and honoring those who have defended our freedom so we might educate and inspire future generations.

On this hallowed ground, Pearl Harbor Aviation Museum remembers and honors our WWII heroes. These ordinary individuals, answering a noble call, faced the unimaginable to provide a better future for us all. Just as they felt a call to serve, we too are called to never forget their sacrifices and service.

2. Create Long-Term Impact

Becoming a monthly donor allows you to make an ongoing commitment to our mission. Every month, you are making a difference.

3. It’s Easy! Just Set it and Forget it!

Select a monthly giving level, complete the donation form, and your work is done! Your monthly gift is set and can be cancelled at any time with a simple phone call.

Questions on

1941 club

If you have any questions, please contact our Development team at 808-441-1006 or [email protected]

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